A whole series cancelled over a TWEET


Why social media can make you or break you-

News out of Hollywood today states that rebooted series Roseanne will be cancelled and not return for it’s second season. Roseanne Barr had tweeted racist and offensive comments to another public figure (Valerie Jarrett-who was senior adviser in the Obama White House) and in return her and all of her cast and crew mates lost their jobs.

Social media is a driving force in the world economy today, and putting forth a bad brand for yourself or your company can hurt your reputation, cost you jobs, and in the end hurt your livelihood. I’ve spent the last decade playing around with social media and I have seen just how far using it correctly can take you. Branding yourself, and your company, in a good light is beneficial to many aspects in your life.

Here are the top 5 mistakes to avoid in your social media:

  1. Think before you tweet: we all get mad every now and again, and I understand how easy it is to vent your frustrations from behind a keyboard. Just don’t, you never know who will see and re-tweet your message. Think of it this way, if this is the one thing to go viral from my account am I going to be happy about that?

  2. Pictures-what’s on the internet, stays on the internet: no matter how quickly Snapchat says they disappear, all pictures that hit the internet have the ability to stay there forever. As far as you know, that picture could get turned into a meme. Again ask yourself before you post, will I be happy if this picture ends up viral? Will I want my employer (or future employer) to see it?

  3. We can see who you follow: for most accounts on Instagram, unless you are set to private I can see who you follow, and sometimes what you like and who you interact with. Which means almost anyone else can also see that. So becareful about how many @bigbooty @bbwswelove or other varies sites you follow. If you still want to follow those, that’s fine, just maybe don’t do it from your business account.

  4. Don’t be a spammer: no one who is commenting on Kylie Jenner’s posts will see your spam and want to follow you because of it. Trust me.

  5. Always be kind: just be nice, you never know who you might be talking to.

Does your business need help with their social media branding? Are you a job seeker looking to clean up your social media presence? Send me an email, and let me show you how I can help you use social media to help, not hurt, your career and business.

Email- punkrawkboss@gmail.com



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